Monday, September 10, Oops

I usually spend two of the last three days before i leave at my desk working on paperwork, for the trip and before i go. Today i was to start that paperwork. So, I got up early to get a head start and after 10 minutes on the computer, the mouse froze. I tried everything and it does not work. It is part of a new keyboard/mouse combination i just bought last month. And i just tossed out the old set last week, although the mouse was working fine. The only Staples store near me just closed last month. Here we go again...a repeat of unexpected problems showing up in the final days before leaving and, worse, the trip on 2016's daily problems. Not a good sign. This is a trip delaying event. I will figure something out.

Later....when I got back from my walk with Donner, before I set off the find a store that sold mice, I did the sensible thing and called Logitech customer support first.  As it turns out, this new mouse I just bought had the numbers 1,2,3 on the side, which I ignored thinking that were for customizing the mouse.  Well, somehow I pressed one of three unknown buttons on the side of the mouse that moved the small light next to the #1 and turned on the #3 light, disconnecting the mouse in the meantime. Problem solved in 10 minutes.  It pays to read instructions, I guess. Reconstructing what happened when I bought the new keyboard/mouse, I was in a hurry to get the keyboard up and running, I ignored the mouse instructions because it was going all I needed it to do.  Lesson learned. To be honest, I never read any instructions when I get something new. My rule is that if I cannot figure it out on my own, I should not be using it.  Lesson learned