Day 25, As It Is Happening

After being turned down by mobile Atomic Groomers (sorry, too busy), i decided to give Donner his bath myself by using scented baby wipes. Then, an hour ago, traveling on 101 to my next camp down the road, after zipping by the inspiring New River Nature Reserve too fast to stop, i slammed on the brakes when i saw a sign for spectacular Cape Blanco camp, and the drove the six miles to the coast. There was one building on the entire road, and the photo shows what it was. On the way back to the highway, i stopped and Jessica just happened to have an opening, so as i write this, i am in the process of getting myself a nicely groomed dog for his photo sitting. Now how is that for good luck? My good luck is with me today after the Sunglass Thief of Winema and the Road-Line Painters of Oregon brought me bad luck yesterday.
