I never recall misplacing -and certainly not losing- my car keys in my life. I have a specific bin for them by my front door and always return them to it. This morning, I went looking for the duplicate set and they were not where they were supposed to be. I have spent the last four hours looking for them, even unpacking all of the boxes I have packed for the trip. I cannot take the trip without the duplicate set of keys considering where I was planning to go, even though I have never misplaced them on any trip. It is too late to order a new ignition set. I will continue to look for them for the rest of the day. If they cannot be located by the end of the day, there will be no trip this year.
This is the blog for the my ninth long road camping trip with my dogs, this time Donner, his second. I can only imagine that when he takes these trips with me his only thought is: This sure beats being chained to those backyards in Los Angeles.