It rained last night pretty hard. My plan was to stay put another day in the pleasant camp (Weldon Springs) if it was raining this morning, but the weather was just splendid, so we packed up and after a welcome shower head west. We had less than 200 miles to travel, but i decided to give Donner two rest breaks on the drive, he enjoys those new smells so much.
At the second rest break, we met a young woman named Tiffany and her lovely 6-year old daughter Samara who are traveling cross country in their Discovery with their two absolutely wonderful dogs, Kira and Ringo. Donner bonded with Ringo instantly like I never saw him bond with any dog. Since Tiffany had not made plans for the night and it was getting close to 3, I invited them to overnight at our target camp, not far down the road.
As soon as i hit the road, a fierce rain storm hit, making driving conditions very bad. But as soon as we crossed the mighty Mississippi, 2O miles from the camp, the storm broke. Luck was with us the whole day. It almost ran out, though, when i drove away from a gas station and a few miles up the road realized i had not put the gas cap back on. Fortunately it was still on the taillight cage. The same thing happened in 2013 on the dirt and gravel Dalton Highway in Alaska when i drove 60 miles without the gas cap on. Must be the way i set it on the tail-light cage.
The day got even luckier when not five minutes after we pulled into Wildcat Den State Park, Tiffany pulled in. The 25 sites situated around a large circle in a forest setting were completely empty. We picked the two best sights and Tiffany and Samara pitched in to set up my camp in return for dinner and the pleasure of my company. Actually, the pleasure was just the reverse. What a absolute treat it was for me to have their company. For a guy who prides himself for his love of solitude and his independence, autonomy really, i sure did not live up to my own words.
While Tiffany, Samara and I enjoyed the perfect setting, Donner deepened his bond with Ringo. Kira at first was not in a welcoming mood, after a quick training session from the Caesar Milan of the Potomac, peace descended on the camp. Ringo was constantly challenging Donner to play, so for the first time in his life, he ran loose in play with another dog. How happy i was to watch that. How happy he was to be doing it.
After Ringo and Kira were put into the Discovery, Donner sat outside hoping they'd return, but they did not.
After the main course of two soups, rice and salmon, i treated my guests to so-mores made with York peppermint patties. After Tiffany told me she grew up in York and Samara declared that that the York Peppermint patty was her favorite candy, i officially named this new treat "samaras." After Samara put my invention to the taste test, she give her approval.
After dinner, we are retiring with the entire camp to ourselves, except for the wildcats and raccoons who surely know we are here.
Ed an Donner from the road.
Some photos of the day follow.
Donner's new friends, 13-year old Kira (left) and Ringo. What absolutey wonderful dogs they are. Fortunately, they live not far from us so i am sure Donner will be seeing a lot of them