OTR First aid kit

Below are the contents of my first aid kit.   Fortunately, I have had to dip into it rarely, but when I did, I appreciated lugging it around for 120,000 miles.


First aid kit

Ace bandages

Various ointments for Dog:

Adhesive tape

     Animax (superficial wounds)

Anticlot powder

    Quadritop (skin and ear infections)


    Baytril Otic (ear antibiotic)

Calamine lotion

    Synotic (external ear infections)

Cordran Tape

    Trm.Opth Solution (external eye infections)

Cortisone, Neosporin, Benadryl

Canine wound cleaner

Cotton balls

Diarrhea medication for dog

CPR kit


Fleet enema


Gauze dressing pads


Gauze dressing roll


Hand sanitizers


Holistic pain-relieving plaster


Hydrogen peroxide


Ice packs




Moist wipes




Rubbing alcohol




Surgical kit


Syringes, scissors, tweezers, tick removal




First-aid books